Cassie says, "Hypnobabies gave my husband & I the tools we needed for 29 hours of birthing time & gave me confidence to have the beautiful, natural birth I so wanted. It was absolutely the best thing we did to prepare for childbirth!"

Becca says, "Hypnobabies was such an empowering experience for me and my husband. We went into our daughter's birthing day full of confidence, and had such a positive and beautiful birth experience. I'm so thankful this class was recommended to me by a friend!"

Robyn says, "Hypnobabies was a wonderful choice for our birthing! I loved using the tracks throughout my pregnancy and on Lillian's birthday! Having my husband and doula use words like "birthing time" instead of "labor" created a much more relaxing environment, and most importantly, one without fear. I got the natural birth I planned for and I couldn't be happier!"