"Learning the Arts of Motherhood"
Why is Tammy a postpartum doula?
"Because of my love of children, I started my family thirty-three years ago, having given birth to seven sons and two daughters during that time. All of them were born prematurely, ranging in gestation from 32 to 35 weeks. I have experienced natural births, two C-sections and a VBAC. The loss of my seventh child, at birth, taught me firsthand about grieving. I am very comfortable with babies in general but have a soft spot for preemies and the unique and special care they require.
I have dedicated my entire life to "learning the arts of Motherhood" as both a Mother and now a Grandmother. I am proud to be called "Grandma" by eleven darling grandchildren, ranging in age from ten years old to newborn. All of my children have been educated at home and I find myself down to my last two, a seventeen year old daughter and fifteen year old son.
I am currently certifying with Dona International as a Postpartum Doula. I have served families of multiplies in the Nashville and Middle Tennessee area for the past year. I am very motivated to share what I have learned both from a lifetime of experience and from continuing education and service. I am motivated to serve, help and educate families, new mamas and their precious babies.
I look forward to helping and caring for you during this new and wonderful time in your life."
What should one expect when hiring a postpartum doula?
Postpartum doulas come to your home and do light house work, laundry, infant and sibling care, and caring for you, the parents, if hired for the daytime shift. If you decide that you need more night time care, your overnight doula will provide you with ten hours of continuous care and support. She will provide breastfeeding support, and most of all allow you to get the rest you need so you are rested and rejuvenated for the following day. Contact our postpartum doulas to find out more about what services would fit your needs best.