When thinking about the options that are available to you, it is often helpful to take some time to visualize your ideal birth:
What kind of experience do YOU want? What does your ideal birth look like? Sound like? Smell like? Feel like? What kinds of support do you have? Who is there with you?
Consider the following:
What words would you use to describe your overall birth experience? There are many words you could use. What words come to mind?
- Calm
- Quiet
- Peaceful
- Fun
- Quick
- Safe
- Medicated
- Unmedicated
Think about the early part of birth.
The time when you may still be wondering, “Is this it?” Where do you imagine this happening? What do you want this experience to be like? What will you be doing? Who will be with you? Who will you tell? Who will you NOT tell?
Think about where you want to birth your baby.
Is it at home? The spa-like atmosphere of a birth center? In a hospital? Which option feels right for you? If it is somewhere other than home, when will you go? How do you imagine getting there? What will you do on the way? What will happen once you arrive? What do you want your care provider(s) to do for you? Or not do for you? What kinds of things will give you peace of mind about the process? What options do you want when you are pushing? What positions do you want to try? Where do you want to push?
After your baby is born, what do you want the immediate postpartum period to be like?
Will baby be placed on your abdomen? Do you want baby taken to be checked out first? Who will cut the cord? Do you want to breastfeed immediately? Do you plan to bottle feed?
Visualizing your ideal birth in this way can be helpful to you in creating an excellent birth for yourself and your baby. It is helpful when making important during pregnancy and also during birthing. As you educate yourself on what choices you have, your answers may change, and that's ok! The important thing is to be proactive in seeking the best birth for you and your family, and making the decisions that are right for you.

My introduction to doulas came when I was 36 weeks pregnant with my first child. My midwife looked at me and said, “You need a doula.” I had no idea what a doula was, but she gave me an email address for an amazing doula who eventually attended the birth of my first.
When my first little guy was just 7 months old, I found out that I was pregnant with my second. I promptly called my doula friend who said, “You need Hypnobabies!” I signed up and took the Hypnobabies class she was teaching at the time and never looked back! My Hypnobabies birth was amazing! My husband and I could hardly believe that birth could be so comfortable and calm! After a fabulous second birth experience I decided that I wanted to be a part of helping families have the best birth for them. I started by becoming a doula. I trained with DONA International and in 2014 I decided to begin the process of becoming a Hypnobabies Instructor. I was officially certified as a Hypnobabies instructor and Hypnodoula in June of 2015. I love helping families become educated about childbirth and supporting them through pregnancy. In 2016, I officially completed the Becoming Dad Certification process and am now "Becoming Dad Certified."
E-mail: [email protected]